Friday, January 22, 2010

Hello everyone

Hi everyone in 2F,

I am excited and happy to be your form teacher again. The school has planned a whole year of exciting & enriching activities for you. I hope to see all of you participate actively.

May we have a fun time of learning together.


  1. I love it when you said that!

  2. Hi Allyn,

    Thank you for your encouragement. Wow! You are the first person to post a cmment on our blog.

    I am glad to see our class enjoys making music ( or noise??...hee hee..) during the last 2 Music CCA lessons. Next term we will be going out of school and will be heading to the swimming pool to learn how to swim.That will be exciting too.

    Keep your comments coming in :)

  3. ya swimming is fun but last time i have water in my eyes
