Thursday, February 11, 2010

Modular CCA - ICT

The students worked together to create a set of comic strips at the end of their Modular CCA - ICT. Enjoy their creativity. If the images appear small on your screen, you may need to click on the image to see a clearer image. Well done 2F

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Change in Modular CCA Schedule

Dear parents & students,

There will be no P2 Modular CCA next Fri, 12 Feb, due to the Chinese New Year Celebrations. Hence, the P2 Modular CCA will end a week later than scheduled, i.e. on the 26 Feb 2010.

Pls take note.

Have a wonderful Chinese New Year & may you all have a great time with your family.

To all my 2F students, happy ang bao collecting :)

Mrs Ow Yong