Monday, November 22, 2010

Prize Giving Day

These are the photos from the Prize Giving Day on 19 Nov 2010.

More photos from Rainbow Day II

I found more of our class Rainbow Day performance photos in the school archive. Hope you like them .

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Best Improvement Award

The exams are finally over. The class have done generally well. I am very happy.

The winners of the Best Improvement Award for English go to Zou Jun Jie and Shawn Angel Pillay for English . The winners for the Best Improvement Award for Mathematics go to Rasyad and Abigail Sim.

They have each won themselves a $10 book voucher from Popular Bookstore with compliments from Mrs Ow Yong.

Well Done children. Keep up the good work :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

2F Photostory

Hi everyone,

I have uploaded the beautiful photostories done by the students in the EDP Portal. The students did a photostory after their visit to the Jurong Bird Park. A lot of effort was put in creating these photostories. I am very happy with the outcome.

You can also view the photostories done by your friends. Just go to the EDP Class Portal to view them.

Enjoy :)

Mrs Ow Yong

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

YOG Games Day

Our school celebrated YOG with a Games Day on 11 August. 2 out of 3 teams in our class won a silver medal for the "Overhand Throw" and "Underhand Throw" event! This is a great achievement considering that there are 10 classes competing for each event.

I am happy to see the 2F students displaying good sportsmanship & marvelous team spirit on that day. Congratulations to the teams that won ! Do not be too sad if you did not win a medal on that day, it is your participation that really matters. That is the true spirit of the Olympics games.

Mid Autumn Festival

Our school organised a Mid Autumn Festival celebration for the Primary 1 & 2 students on 17 September. Some of the students in our class attended the celebrations. I felt that the highlight of the evening was when Mr Chia lead all of us for a lantern walk outside the school. It was very exciting.
Allyn also took part in the card making competition and she won a prize for her design. Well done Allyn, we are proud of you!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Telling Time & Fractions -Online Practice

Dear students of 2F,

We are learning the topic of Telling Time. Please try the following interative games. May you have a fun time learning.

1. Click on the link below. Look at the clock and click on the clock that tells the right time. There
are 10 questions .

Telling Time

Drag the hands of the clock to show the correct time . When you have the correct time, click OK .

Hour and minute hands Game

3. More challenging questions

This website has many games for you to try your time telling skills.

More maths games-telling time

I hope you have done well in the above online activities.

Mrs Ow Yong